Sitemap Emergency Alerts
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emergency notification service


Emergency Dispatch Service
Emergency Phone Dialer
Emergency Management Software
Emergency Phone Dialer

emergency notification service

Emergency Alerts
Phone Call Alerts
Evacuation Notification
Chemical Spill Alert
Emergency Broadcast Service
Disaster Planning Service
Emergency Management Service

blizzards hurricanes tornados floods forest fires

911 technical documentation

Emergency Alert Systems

emergency alert systems This sitemap section of our technical library presents information and documentation relating to Emergency Notification Systems and Disaster Recovery Applications. Should an emergency arise in your community, our emergency broadcast phone service can deliver large volumes of phone messages quickly using thousands of digital and analog phone lines simultaneously. In the event of a blizzard, wild fire or devastating flood, your community can be notified quickly given specific instructions if an evacuation is required using our emergency broadcasting service. If a dangerous chemical spill occurs in your community, you can target specific areas to call. If a severe snow storm hits your area, your community can be notified of school closings or event cancellations.

The following are listings and articles and technical information relating to the emergency notification and emergency alert broadcasting services and systems that are in use today. Also, included in our library are technical documents relating to our 911Broadcast products and services.

Emergency Alert Services

Remote Emergency Response Team

emergency response team agent remote agent One important benefit of today's telecommunication advancement is the ability for your emergency response team to work away from your control center. Database Systems Corp. has developed a family of telecom products that facilitate and promote this capability. Our PACER emergency phone dialers and computer telephony products fully support remote agents. Now your workforce can be significantly expanded with the addition of work at home employees. The economic savings and environmental advantages are significant. To obtain information about our remote agent capability with our emergency phone dialers, view our Remote Agent page.

Emergency Auto Dialer Benefits

Emergency and Disaster Recovery Phone Systems have a wide variety of applications within both commercial and government activities:

  • Call for Volunteers
  • Emergency Response Team Notification
  • Utility or Service Outages
  • Natural Disaster Recovery
  • Severe Weather Warnings
  • Forest Fire warnings
  • Emergency School Closings
  • Community Alerts
Auto phone dialing and autodialers provide you with significant benefits:
  • Emergency Response Center Cost Savings
  • Improved Control of Disaster Recovery Process
  • Efficient Use of Disaster Recovery Resources
  • Maximized Productivity

Emergency Product Information

Contact DSC to learn more about our emergency dialer service, emergency dialer software and emergency broadcast services.