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emergency alert systems

Emergency Products

Emergency Phone Dialer
Emergency Dispatch Service

emergency alert service

Emergency Information

blizzards hurricanes tornados floods forest fires

IVR software ivr applications ivr services

Online Emergency Phone Message Broadcasting Service

emergency phone dialers in action acd system ivr system auto dialers If a dangerous chemical spill occurs in your community, you can target specific areas to call. In the event of a severe snow storm, your community can be alerted to school closings or event cancellations.

In the event of a wildfire or imminent catastrophic flood, you can notify your community quickly and give specific instructions if an evacuation is required using this emergency broadcast system.

If an emergency should arise in your community, our alert broadcast service can deliver volumes of calls in a fast and efficient manner using thousands of phone lines simultaneously.

Database Glossary of terms and abbreviations

MTD Mortgage Telemarketing Dialer
NDK Network Development Kit
ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity
OOP Object Oriented Programming
OPD Outsource Predictive Dialing
OPT Opt Out Automatic IVR Do Not Call
PAS Phone Answering Services
PC Personal Computer with Windows operating system
PPC Political Phone Campaign
PLS Phone Store Locator System
POW Pacer Over Web
PSS Phone Survey Software
RED Real Estate Dialer
RACC Remote Access Call Center with Remote Agent Support
SMD Smart Message Dialing
SON Security Over Net
TAH Telemarketing At Home / Telemarketing From Home
TAS Telephone Answering System
Thin Client NDK component residing on a PC
TFO Toll Free Outsourcing
TFPS Toll Free Phone System
TMO Telemarketing Outsourcing
TM Telemarketing
TS Telesales
TSR Telemarketing Service Rep. AKA Agent, AKA TMR
TSV Teleservices
TTS Text To Speech
TTV Text To Voice
UNIX A type of computer operating system
VBA Voice Broadcasting Applications
VB Voice Broadcasting
VBO Voice Broadcast Outsource
VCC Virtual PBX for Virtual Call Center
VMB Voice Message Broadcast
VO Voice Overs and Voice Over Talent
VPN Virtual Private Network
VR Voice Recording Voiceovers and Voiceover Talent
VRU Voice Response Unit
WAN Wide Area Network
WINDOWS GUI screens typically found in a Windows operating system environment
WOW Window On The Web
WWW World Wide Web
4GL 4th Generation Programming Language
1-800 Toll Free Phone Numbers
1-900 Pay-Per-Call Phone Numbers